A slight slip-up

A slightly guilty poem:

“Oh I don’t know,
I look at my flabby bits and I know they have to go,
Or at least diminish.

I don’t want to be in a magazine
With the world’s largest backside.
I’ve been dieting since January
And it’s now not so wide.

So why, oh why
Have I just had some chocolate?
Because it made me feel calmer
But now I feel like I should scold.
“A little of what you fancy does you good”
I’ve been told.

I didn’t have it all, I had three bits out of six.
I can still taste the chocolate, I’ve had my “fix”.
That chocolate was meant to be had on my birthday,
Get over it J, tomorrow is a new day.


#WobblesWednesday – I’ll just take a small victory please

Okay, I’ll start straight off with the loss because I’m in that sort of mood today – 2lb off since last week. Which I’m really pleased about, I’m back on the “lifestyle change” train – good!

Part of me is surprised though, it’s been a mixture of eating the protein and the vegetables when I’m motivated (most of the time) and having the occasional not-so-good meal when I’m not – chicken pie (I fancied some pastry) and fish and chips at the weekend. BUT I haven’t gone overboard with it (I used a children’s size plate for both meals) and I guess it was balanced out with the healthier options.

This is how the week has felt though:


Juggling the proverbial balls marked “children, autism, meltdowns – D had 4 after school yesterday – tiredness, writing, Hubbie and the last one…sanity”. It’s felt like if one drops, they all will. Roll on a bit of a break in the Easter holidays, but not too much chocolate!

My tips for the coming week would be:

Using that smaller plate for a slightly unhealthier meal. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.

Everyone needs an occasional lapse but don’t let it deter you, the next day is a new day. Okay, I gave in and had the pie but it was very tasty and now I won’t want another one for a while.

Have a bowl of dry cereal at night if the munchies visit. Having them dry would almost feel like crisps (!) and they’re reasonably low calorie and low fat.

Linking up with Kate at nakedmum.co.uk for #WobblesWednesday, without which I think I’d have ditched the diet long ago. Here’s how Kate has got on this week (click to read).

Looking forward to reading how everyone else has got on, good luck with Easter choc! Jx

#WobblesWednesday – back on the downward slope

Yes, I’m back on the downward slope after 3 weeks (?) of staying the same.

Yay! Mind you, I have discovered that my scales can vary in their readings by 3 stone or so on various floorings upstairs.

I truly was a nakedmum, trying to find a true-ish reading, so I’ve gone back to my original place – in the bathroom, just by that funny little white spot on the lino. What that funny little spot is I don’t know, it was there before we moved in, it refuses to be scrubbed or picked away but it’s my marker so it serves a purpose.

1.5 lbs down, despite the carbs described below.

There is a new series of Secret Eaters (Channel 4, Thursdays, 8pm) starting next week. I think it’s definitely worth a watch, Anna Richardson has provided some good tips in the write-up in TVTimes magazine and I’ve replicated them below:

1. The biggest tip is to be mindful about what you eat. Don’t sit in front of your TV or computer screen whilst having dinner. Sit with no distractions and focus on what you’re eating.

2. Liquid calories also count. Alcohol is second only to fat in calories.

3. Serve yourself food on a plate and then remove any temptation around you, so no-all-you-can-eat buffets! See the evidence of your good consumption in front of you, be it chicken bones or food wrappers. Psychologically, if you can see what you’ve consumed then you’ll eat less.

I think they are great tips! Ones that I’m definitely going to take heed of.

So, what’s my plan for the week ahead?

I need to up my protein intake and reduce my white carb intake. I’ve been finding beans on toast (no butter, just spread with bovril) a quick, satisfying meal but it is stodgy, I do feel better with a higher protein percentage.

I’ve already done some hard-boiled eggs this morning, ideal snack for me. Left to cool with a smidgen of black pepper. I haven’t been brave enough to take one into the coffee shop to peel whilst enjoying a skinny, decaff mocha but I might later!

I am starting to see a difference in the 15.5lbs lost, it’s good to see proof and that alone is an incentive to bear in mind the tips above and carry on, carrying on. Slow and steady WILL work!

Linking up with Kate at nakedmum – please click on the link to read how she and other ladies have been getting on this week.

My end image is a piece of artwork by Peter Smith, he does the most gorgeous bunny pictures (readers of my autism blog will know that my daughter’s special comforter is Bunny), this image is called “One at a time please” and I think it’s brilliant! One day I’ll have a copy of this in my bathroom, yes, on the wall right near that funny white spot on the floor!


Thanks for reading and I’m looking forward to linking up and reading/commenting on other posts Jx 😘

#WobblesWednesday – maintaining that status quo

I’d better explain that title before you all start thinking I’m a double-denim clad rrrrrrocker:

Status quo is a Latin term meaning the existing state of affairs. It is a commonly used form of the original Latin “statu quo” – literally “the state in which”.

Yep, I’ve stayed the same for the third week running. I know exactly why and, as per my post last week I’m not going to play the blame game or chastise myself about it. I’ve lost a stone since January and that is good news!

I know why I haven’t lost any weight. On Sunday – Mothers Day – we had a lovely meal, all the things I’d been avoiding and it was very tasty:
Homemade macaroni cheese with mature cheddar and bacon strips
Tear and share garlic bread
Hotel Chocolat choccies, I was given loads at Christmas. I’d decided to have some on Sunday and save some for my birthday.
All washed down with a bottle of my favourite wine.

All very carb-heavy and indulgent, but scrummy.

I had hoped to loose another half stone by my birthday – 3 weeks yesterday – I’m not sure if this realistic so I’ll hope for a few lbs instead. The downside to it falling on a Tuesday is that there will be a meal out, there will be chocolate cake and then the scales will tell their tale the day after.

But, like I’ve said, this is a long-haul, blips will happen, it’s just unfortunate mine have happened all at once.

There is a programme called The New Normal on E4 at the moment, see below for a summary.

“Bryan (Andrew Rannells) and David (Justin Bartha) are a happy gay couple living in Los Angeles, with successful careers. The only thing missing in their relationship is a baby. They meet Goldie Clemmons, (Georgia King), a single mother and waitress from Ohio. Goldie left her adulterous husband and moved to L.A. with her nine-year-old daughter Shania (Bebe Wood) to escape their former life and start over. Jane (Ellen Barkin), Goldie’s conservative and very bigoted grandmother, follows her family to the city against her granddaughter’s wishes, thus causing havoc for her granddaughter and the hopeful couple. Goldie decides to become Bryan and David’s gestational surrogate, and naturally, her family gets involved.”

The grandmother character has very extreme, bigoted views and the quotes below are from the time she sabotaged her great-granddaughter’s (Shania) pretend wedding to a fellow classmate, simply because she didn’t approve, The dialogue was between one of the gay fathers-to-be and the great-granddaughter.

Bryan: “I know you’re disappointed that the wedding didn’t happen, but when I’m sad I like to do something called “eat my feelings” and I’d like to share it with you.”

Shania: “What’s that?”

Bryan: “Well, when you feel sad you just eat stuff til you’re not sad anymore. It’s really healing. Try it. Who needs boys when you can have sugar?”

Shania: “He wasn’t that great anyway.”

Bryan: “It’s ok honey, keep eating.”

The above exchange just rang so true with me, something that has been the cause of this whole chunk of blubber that I carry around with me, something I’m determined to break the cycle of and, like the title says “get fab”.

Linking in with Kate at nakedmum.co.uk, you can read her Wobbles Wednesday post here.

Thanks for reading Jx 😘


#WobblesWednesday – Stuck in a rut…

…but it’s my own fault.

My downfall this week was pizza, a takeaway pizza. As I need to blame someone or something as well as myself, I’m blaming “Supersize versus Superskinny”, the programme where a very very overweight person swaps diets with a very underweight person for a few days in order that both can see the disadvantages of their diets. They are then given a diet programme and revisited 3 months later to check on progress.

The programme featured someone who ate vast amounts of pizza a week (yuck!) and they were constantly showing shots of pizza. Oh dear, I obsessed about it for 24 hours before giving in. Realising afterwards that I hadn’t eaten pizza since last October! It was nice though.

As a result, I haven’t lost or gained this week. I’m not down about it though, having previously been addicted to exercise and verging on bulimic before I had my first child. It’s part of my personality and I can’t afford mentally to let myself get addicted/obsessed like that again, for my children’s sake.

This lifestyle change isn’t a race, I don’t want first place or a gold medal. It’s a marathon and I’m in it for the long haul, going the distance.

It’s still a stone lost since the start of 2013 and as the tortoise says “slow and steady…”

Wobbles Wednesday is an initiative started by Kate at nakedmum, providing a support network via the #WobblesWednesday hashtag on twitter. Kate’s post – and she’s definitely back on track *yay* – can be read here.here (click on the link to read).

Thanks for reading Jx 😘


“Comme ci Comme ca” #WobblesWednesday

It’s Wednesday, I’m wobbly and that means its time to link up with Kate @ The Naked Mum and all the other lovely ladies, supporting each other on our weight loss and healthier lifestyle journeys.

If only it were as simple as this:


Click a button and you’re there. But it’s not. You need to be in the emotional mindset, to want to do it for you, not anyone else. Families being the obvious exception, as a parent/carer I want and need to be as healthy as possible for my children.

So, how have I done this week? Well, the bathroom scales are being a little bit “unpredictable” shall we say. My previous spot in the bathroom – which could be relied on, that one just by the towel rail – is no longer reliable and it gave me three different readings this morning. I’m taking the average of the three and assuming that I’ve stayed the same – no loss, no gain. I shall be travelling about the upstairs of my house this weekend, trying to find a new weigh-in place. Knowing my luck it will be in one of the children’s bedrooms, that would certainly wake them up with a jolt next Wednesday, their Mumma flashing away, trying to get an accurate weigh-in! Oh, you have to laugh…

If I’m being realistic, that result seems about right to me. It was half-term last week and whilst I wasn’t an out-and-out piggie, I didn’t deprive myself. I just didn’t go overboard. We had a couple of medical appointments for my daughter and, as per usual, I made sure I packed all their food/drink requirements for the trips and forgot about me, ending up grabbing a sandwich from a shop. Not the most healthiest or cost effective options.


So, my tips this week:

Be prepared: I’m always going to try and have a low fat/low calorie option for me in my handbag. As mentioned before, I’m a bit partial to Kingsmill pancakes, the syrup and sultana versions have 120-ish calories and 1.2g of fat. A couple of those would happily see me through any munchies crisis whilst out and about.

Water intake: I’m guilty of definitely not drinking enough water last week. Too much going on. Again, I need to carry a bottle around with me. Good for the skin and the digestive system.

Keep in mind a goal, sometimes it’s easier if its not an end goal, but an interim one. Now that I’ve lost a stone, my next interim goal is the next half stone. I also want to wear and look good in this:


A Karen Millen dress that I last wore a few years ago. Realistically it won’t be by our wedding anniversary (May) but maybe by the summer.

So, that’s me. A definite “Comme ci, Comme ca” week but it’s still a stone off so far and that thought will spur me on to hopefully a loss next week. Looking forward to reading how everyone else has done, here’s a Linky if anyone would like to join in.

Thanks for reading Jx 😘

#WobblesWednesday – Over that first hurdle!

Kate aka @kateonthinice aka nakedmum.co.uk is in sunny (I hope) Orlando this week and I’m hosting this week’s Wobbles Wednesday for her.

Kate started this great initiative in the New Year, it’s a weekly blog hop for mums (and dads!) who are travelling on a weight loss journey to a healthier lifestyle.

Anyone is welcome to take part and you can join in by linking up below, using the hashtag #WobblesWednesday on twitter and share tips and mention how your week has gone.

So, how has my week been? Well the stress cloud has still been over me this week and this has led me to worship at the altar of the Malteser Bunny, not as often as I would have done previously but… I felt it was easier to give in and have a mini Bunny then obsess about them and end up eating two or three normal sized ones.


Couple my mini slip-ups with a hefty dose of PMT and my weight loss this week has been 1lb, which means that I have lost a stone since January 1st. I’m pleased that I’ve gone over that hurdle, despite everything, and thinking like the proverbial tortoise “slow and steady”.

My tips for this week:

Keep your water intake up. Sometimes your body thinks it’s hungry but it needs a drink instead. If plain water is not for you, try diluting no-added sugar squash or flavoured water. I like the Perfectly Clear range with lemon and lime (check the labels though that it’s low sugar otherwise it’s just empty calories).

Sushi – low in fat and low in calories. I prefer the vegetarian sushi to raw fish but nom nom, my snack of choice at the moment.

I’m still really enjoying sugar snap peas when the need for something crunchy takes over.

I haven’t got to Curves yet – it’s half term for us – I’m hoping to get there for the initial assessment next week and I’m looking forward to starting the sessions, toning up and keeping the scales going downwards.

Please use the linky below/comment to link your blog up, remember good week or not-so-good week, we’re all here to support each other. I’ll read, comment and RT every link received to keep the momentum going.

Today’s end picture is another card I saw in a local shop, it made me giggle.


Thanks for reading, this is the first time I’ve used a linky so I hope it works (it seems to be working, just not displaying the links on first page). I hope everyone’s had a good week and Kate’s having a fab-u-lous time!

#WobblesWednesday – Wibbling away..

I’m going to be honest upfront and say that the healthy eating regime hasn’t been at the forefront of my mind this last week.

But I’m proud of myself, we’ve had a very stressful few days personally, and it culminated in me having a panic attack on Monday evening. This was quite (okay, very) scary until I remembered reading about them and I recalled a couple of tips (post about the symptoms here)..

The “old” J would have dived into the sweetie jar, anything to make her feel better. The “new” J calmed down, grateful that it had passed and that her children hasn’t seen it, had a bath and went to bed!

So, whilst I haven’t been rigidly sticking to my tried and trusted regime, I haven’t been over-indulging either and the scales said…I’d lost another 2lbs, bringing my total so far this year to 13lbs, a lb short of a stone which, hopefully I’ll break through next week.

I haven’t had my Curves assessment yet, I’ve had to move it to the week after half term. I know once I get past the initial “ohmigod, this woman is measuring everything” and once I’m in a routine of going, I’ll enjoy it and reap the benefits.

My tips for this week:

Believe in yourself and visualise a piece of clothing that you haven’t been able to wear for a while. For me, it’s a Karen Millen strappy green dress with beading and a flamenco-type hemline. I don’t know when I’ll be able to wear it and look half-decent but once I can, there will be pictures.

Speaking of pictures, I’ve been taking a side-view and frontal picture every week since January, trying to hopefully see a difference, this week I think I could. That’s encouraging and motivation in itself.

Going to end on a funny note today, I was looking for a birthday card for someone and found this, so funny!


Looking forward to reading how everyone else has got on this week, onwards and downwards (scales wise)! Jx

#WobblesWednesday – make like a Brownie and “Be Prepared”!

I’ve not been feeling the dieting (no, let’s not call it “diet) ahem, healthier lifestyle luuuurve this week.

I was ill all over the weekend, raging burning-like sore throat and generally zero energy. Eating anything but the softest foods hurt my throat too much and when Hubbie suggested fish and chips from the chippie, it met with very little resistance.

I’m feeling much better now and back on track, which again is good news. Old me would have told myself “told you, you couldn’t stick to it.” 2013 J has said “it was another blip, these are going to happen, remember why you’re doing this”.

And I am. There’s a countdown on this blog and I might up the stakes too. My daughter is currently fixated by weddings and Hubbie is always saying we should renew our vows, so I’m thinking I might add another incentive onto my countdown. I was pregnant with T when we married so wedding bouquet of freesias covered up a bump, hopefully next time there won’t be anything hiding any bumps!

The scales are telling me I’ve lost between 1lb (realistic) and 3lbs (very doubtful) so I’m going to compromise and say it’s a 2lb loss this week, which takes me nicely over the half stone mark and keeping on in the right direction.

My top tips (pop-pickers) for this week:

Be prepared! Hence the title. I love making up soups – lots of veggies, bit of seasoning, boil them for a few minutes, then blitz then with a hand blender. If you want to add a bit of thickness, add some whole meal breadcrumbs to the mix. No need to bother with cream. Once cooled, you can either keep in the fridge in containers or freeze. I love the way that you can make different coloured soups by adding more of one particular veggie, none of my soup batches ever taste the same.

Jaffa cakes – each cake (or is it a biscuit?) is 1g of fat and 46 calories (I think). Compare that to 13g of fat in a shortbread finger.

It may sound obvious but include your coffee shop coffee in your calorie/points count, switch to skimmed milk if you haven’t already. Virtually no taste difference or calcium variation.

Hubbie is being very supportive, he has said though “don’t loose too much. You’ll need to buy a new wardrobe”. Very practical as ever (bless him) and I think I’m a way off sporting the fashionably baggy look. I don’t think men realise that women tend to hold into clothes and can have a variation of “wardrobes” in one wardrobe. There’s always something kept aside for “slimmer” days.

As ever, linking up with Kate for “Wobbles Wednesday”, you can read how her week has gone here

Thanks for reading Jx 😘


#WobblesWednesday – feeling cold but carrying on

I have to admit, it’s been difficult this week, sticking to my new regime. It’s been SO cold and I’ve been visualising traditional British comfort food – crumble and custard, bacon rolls etc.

I had a minor blip on Friday and briefly slipped up – you can read about it here – but I’m back on track now.

I have another reason for seriously disliking this weather, one that has contributed to how I’ve felt over the last couple of years, and as 1st February draws closer, it plays on my mind. Its blogged here. Honestly, there’s no basis for me to feel anxious on that date, he’s not going to remember – unless he’s completely unbalanced and keeps a list of who he attacks – and leaps out with a “Happy Attack Anniversary” card. Mind you, if he did and signed it, I’d have a name for the police lol.

Anyway, pulling myself up from that and moving on…

I’ve lost another 3lbs this week, making my total so far 6lbs, nearly half a stone. And that will keep me motivated to carry on. D was 6lb 12oz when she was born, so that’s a good benchmark.

My top tips that have helped me this week:

I’m tracking my weight loss in the calendar section of my phone, putting in weight and amount lost as an “event” every Wednesday. It’s a visual reminder to keep going.

Frubes (fromage frais tubes) are a good low calorie, low fat option if you’re craving something quick and sweet. 105 calories and the calcium is always useful too.

I’ve changed my choice of munchie in the evening to sugar snap peas. 100g worth is approximately 31 calories and virtually no fat. Nice crunchy texture too, a bit like celery, you really feel you’re giving your jaws a workout!!

Sushi – so filling and so low calorie and low fat. Not the raw fish one though (bleurgh), but the vegetarian options.

I was feeling incredibly grumpy last night, craving all manner of foods and I opened a Dairy Milk bar, sniffed it and gave it to Hubbie. He was delighted lol, but the sniffing seemed to do the trick (again).

So, what with the weather, 1st February looming and severe cravings, I’m pleased with a 3lb loss. Looking forward to next week and going over (fingers crossed) that half stone mark.


Thanks for reading, Jx 😘